Hartford Art School

MFA in Photography

At a Glance

我们的国际有限住院医师研究生课程让您在保持职业生涯的同时获得专业学位. 这个项目住院费低,夏季开学. Application Priority Deadline - January 15.

Part Time
Rolling Admission

Degrees Offered

Total Credits


60 Credits


Our unique, international, 罗伯特·莱昂斯(Robert Lyons)为从事艺术研究的专业人士开发和指导了有限驻留计划, documentary practice, and the photo-based book.

我们的创新课程是为在该领域具有成熟经验的个人和希望进一步实践的应届毕业生而设计的. 它与其他项目的不同之处在于,它将夏季密集的校园课程与春季和秋季的旅行课程结合起来.

Quick Facts
  • 60 credits
  • Low Residency
  • Application Priority Deadline - January 15
  • Summer Semester Start
  • Course Catalog
  • Apply Now
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About the Program

校内学习与春季和秋季旅行相结合,增强了我们成为一个真正的国际项目的能力, to faculty, to off-premise meeting destinations. 艺术世界位于全球市场中,我们的课程旨在访问和利用这种丰富的视角.


课程作业包括暗房作业的精心组合, bookmaking, history, and independent projects, 最后是论文答辩和展览. 下面,你会发现完成摄影MFA所需的课程的一些例子.

Advanced Photography I, II, and III

Analogue Darkroom I and II

这些实验课将向学生介绍模拟实践的现状. 通过一系列的演示和作业,学生将熟悉先进的模拟技术在黑白摄影. We will review the zone system, 卷筒胶片和大幅面单张胶片加工选项, 使用深奥的电影和开发人员,并在他们自己的工作中整合一种方法来解决这个问题.

The Photographic Book I, II, and III

这些课程是对20世纪上半叶和下半叶世界范围内出版的书籍的调查, and from 2000 to today. We will review a selection of seminal works, critique the photographic theme and content, design issues and production quality. 此外,我们将研究在每个时期的技术集成.

Professional Practice I, II, III, and IV

在这些研讨会上,学生将与该领域的主要专业人士(策展人)进行互动, gallery directors, picture agency directors, 和其他)涵盖广泛的主题,包括博物馆/画廊在美国和国际上的观点, editorial and contractual issues for clients, book-publishing issues, pricing artwork, networks, websites and blogs.

Additional Courses

Advanced Photography: Book
Digital Impact: The Truth of Photography
Digital Workshop I and II
Independent Project
Seminar in Contemporary Issues I through IV
Thesis Defense and Exhibition

Career Outlook

photograph by tsar fedorsky

Tsar Fedorsky是一位艺术摄影师和古根海姆研究员,他的作品曾在全国展出并在世界范围内出版. 她拥有哈特福德艺术学院摄影硕士学位和阿默斯特学院历史学士学位. 她曾获得马萨诸塞州文化委员会颁发的艺术家奖学金,并于2015年和2017年入围临界质量决赛.

Her project, The Light Under the Door 是由德国柏林的佩佩罗尼图书公司于2017年出版的.

Tsar的职业生涯使她能够为不同的客户群体创造形象,包括 波士顿环球报,合众国际社,法新社,以及许多其他出版物和媒体服务.

Photography MFA Faculty and Leaders

MFA Photography

Robert Lyons
Director—MFA Limited Residency Photography Program
MFA Photography

View Full Profile
Michael Vahrenwald
Associate Professor
MFA Photography

View Full Profile

Admission Requirements

photography show in joseloff gallery

Please contact the MFA Office at 和项目主管罗伯特·莱昂斯安排了面试前的初步谈话. 一旦被邀请提交申请,请准备以下项目上传到我们的 online application portal:

  • Official Transcripts: 国际成绩单必须由NACES成员服务机构进行评估.
  • Letter of Intent: 描述一下你的专业和职业目标,以及你希望通过学习这个课程来帮助你实现这些目标.
  • Résumé/Curriculum Vitae
  • Portfolio: 摄影申请者必须提交一个代表你最好作品的作品集, indicates your major interest and direction, and demonstrates your ability; at least half of the images should represent work done within the last two years, and all should be from within the last four years. The portfolio should consist of 20-25 images. 请将所有图片合并为1个PDF文件,每页1张图片.
  • Two letters of recommendation: 信件应该证明你的能力和能力,从一个人在摄影领域的实践或教学.

**The MFA programs are not residential programs; international students cannot move to the U.S. 在这些项目期间,而是预计将出现在美国.S. during the dates of each residency.** 参加这些低居住率MFA项目的国际学生在美国停留的时间受到限制.S. 在项目每年的两(2)或三(3)次现场实习期间. Students may enter the U.S.. up to 30 days prior to each residency start date, 并且可以在每次居住结束后的30天内离开. Please contact 了解更多立博网站中文版,并确认每年的居住日期.


Because of the prescribed curriculum, 我们按全年计算学费,而不是按学时计算. Published tuition rates are tuition only, and do not include transportation, lodging, books, supplies, and other University fees. 立博体育官网本学年的最新学费和整个学年的支付分工, please see the current Grad Tuition Rates page, or reach out to us at

Saleem Ahmed

MFA Photography, 2014

Saleem is based in Philadelphia, 但为了他在印度的摄影书,他四处旅行, Bolivia, and Turkey. 作为一名摄影师,他努力寻找自己的声音, 但找到了项目主管罗伯特·莱昂斯的导师.

“When we went to Berlin for the first time, 我分享了一个项目,在那里我终于找到了我想说的东西. 这是我的第一个伟大的评论,它完全打开了开关. That process took a long time, but it was awesome.”

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