
探索世界. 打包行李.

你准备好出国留学了吗? 在你开始冒险之前, 这里有一些有用的建议,让你的旅行尽可能顺利.


Once you have been accepted by both UHart and the provider, you can begin making travel arrangements. If your flight is not included with your program, you are responsible for arranging your own travel. Make sure you've been given the final program dates and any information regarding when to arrive or depart before you book your flight—if you book your flight before being given this information, 你有可能要付钱把航班改到新的时间/日期.  Some providers will offer group flights or scholarships/grants towards air travel so check the program page before booking as there may be specific requirements or limits to when you can travel.

如果你打算自己订机票的话, 你可以通过任何一家航空公司, 如果你有航空里程的话,就使用它们, 或者与旅行社或学生折扣供应商合作. STA旅游及 学生的宇宙 是否有两家公司为学生提供旅游和其他产品的折扣. 如果你在STA旅行社预订的话, 他们提供“立即预订”, Pay Later" program which allows students to pay a fraction of the cost up front, 剩下的要在一周前付清. 所有学生都需要在出发时预订返程机票.

一些学生选择提前到达或在课程结束后留下来. You are welcome to do this as long as you're not arriving before or after the timeline included on your visa (if you need to get one, 见下文). Please keep in mind that you are responsible for finding and paying for 住房 for those extra days, 因为住房只包括在项目日期内.


所有学生都需要有效护照才能进行国际旅行. Passports must be valid for at least six months beyond the completion of your program abroad. Applications can take four to eight weeks to process, so students should plan accordingly. 请浏览 U.S. 国务院网站 了解更多立博网站中文版.


签证是外国政府在你的护照上盖章的背书, 允许您在该国停留特定的目的和时间. Most countries require you to have a student visa in order to enter the country and stay there legally as a student. 如果需要签证, your program provider will send you the necessary information to apply for your student visa; they will typically provide you with a letter from the host school and an overview of the process, and you will be responsible for both gathering any additional materials and applying for the visa. 如果你需要国际中心的文件, 比如保证你是学生, you are responsible for informing the 国际 Center that you need this document. Please allow a week for us to process the materials if you are picking it up from the office, 如果我们寄给你们,两周. 通常有三种方式获得签证:

  • 你必须带着你的文件或护照去领事馆,
  • 你把文件和护照寄到领事馆,或者
  • 你可以在网上申请并提交文件.

取决于东道国, it can take several weeks to schedule your visa appointment and/or receive your passport with the visa stamp; do NOT wait until the last minute to schedule your appointment and/or get your visa. Keep all documents that are sent to you by your program provider; some may be needed by immigration officials upon arrival in your host country rather than at the specific visa appointment.

One last thing to keep in mind is that some countries don't require you to get a visa upfront, but you will need to get a residency permit once you arrive in the host country, and others will require you to get both a visa beforehand and then a residency permit onsite.  Your program provider will have the details regarding whether you need one or the other or both, 可以让你了解相关的成本和流程.


所有学生在国外期间必须参加国际医疗保险.  Most providers will include it within the program; if yours does not, you will have medical insurance through the 立博体育官网’s required GeoBlue保险 plan.  Coverage varies widely for each program and it is your responsibility to know your coverage. Make sure you understand what is covered under your policy and what is considered an exclusion, 处方药的保险范围是怎样的, 如果计划有免赔额, 等. 在美国以外的地方.S., you will likely be asked to pay for your medical care first and then will need to seek separate reimbursement; ask your program provider or insurance company how this might be handled.


The 立博体育官网 requires that all students are covered by the GeoBlue保险 Policy regardless of whether students have personal insurance and/or insurance included through their study abroad program.  The GeoBlue policy provides medical coverage and worldwide assistance and evacuation services for all study abroad students. Prior to departure, students will be emailed instructions to create an account at GeoBlue.  登录后, 学生可以使用他们的电子身份证, 定位您的主机目的地的提供者和医院, 安排直接付款给您的供应商, 获取包括翻译在内的全球健康和安全工具, 药物, 立博网站中文版及安全资讯, 提交和跟踪索赔. 学生可以访问GeoBlue会员中心 www.geobluestudents.com.


当你在国外时,请向你的医生咨询你的处方. 如果可能的话,在整个治疗过程中带上足够的药物.  If it is not possible to bring a full supply of medication, consult with your doctor. Be aware of customs limitations and regulations on medications overseas as some medication that is legal here may be illegal overseas. 所有的药物都应该清楚地标明你的全名, and should remain in their original container (you cannot show up with an unlabeled bag or bottle). It is best to also travel with a note from your physician describing your condition and the necessity of the medication, 以及通用品牌名称, 因为一些特定的品牌可能无法在您的位置.


海外银行业务可能与你在国内所习惯的完全不同.  Below you will find tips and strategies to help make your time abroad as easy as possible.

Be prepared with a combination of cash and appropriate credit and bank/ATM卡s. 你这学期的大部分主要费用(学费和杂费), 住房, 有时食物或短途旅行可能会在你离开之前安排好. 在你的费用支付之后, create a budget so that you do not find yourself running out of money or unable to travel due to a lack of funds.  

Learn the local exchange rate and what options you have available to you for changing money. 一个有用的资源是 www.xe.com. Avoid exchanging money at the airport because of high fees; instead use an ATM for good rates.  If you do need to exchange cash, look for exchange vendors that may give discounts with a student ID.

这里有一个指南 小费礼仪 世界各地. Note that in some places, it is not required to tip, and can even be considered offensive.


  • Exchange $100 before you depart; when you arrive use ATMs to obtain local currency
  • ATM卡s and credit cards will usually provide you with the best exchange rates
  • 联系你的银行和信用卡公司 ahead of time to let them know the dates you will be out of the country AND where you are going
  • Verify with your bank that you can use your debit card overseas, and ask about withdrawal fees
  • 联系你的银行和信用卡公司, and ask if they charge an international transaction fee for using the card (is there a fee locally and/or a fee back home)
  • Ask your bank/credit card company if they have any "sister" banks abroad - if they do, it may be cheaper to use those specific ATMs or you may have smaller (if any) transaction fees than using other non-sister banks
  • 多复印一份你的信用卡号, ATM卡, 以及他们对应的电话号码, and leave it at home so you'll still have easy access to the information if the cards are lost or stolen
  • 当您使用ATM卡或信用卡时, be careful that someone isn't around writing down your number; only use ATMs that are in well-lit areas, and only use ATMs inside banks or locations that require you to swipe a card to enter the vestibule.
  • Put aside money when you arrive in your host country to be used for emergencies, 离职费用, 以及学期结束时的差旅费.

There are quite a few options available for students when it comes to cell phones overseas:

选项1: 通过你的海外留学项目租用或购买一部手机. You would pay the cost of the phone and/or rental fee to the provider and then would be responsible for paying for usage (minutes and texts).

选项2: 从当地电话公司购买手机,如沃达丰、O2或Orange. As with option 1, you are responsible for the cost of the phone and cost of usage. 对于选项1和2, you shouldn't need to enter into a contract but can "top off" which is basically a pay-as-you-go method.

选项3: if you have a smartphone you can bring it with you abroad and 1) turn off the data and roaming and only use it on Wi-Fi; 2) talk to your current phone provider to see if they offer an international phone plan and the cost of that plan for what you get; 3) if your smart phone is unlocked, you can go to a local phone provider onsite and buy a local SIM card to use in your smartphone (you would still be responsible for the cost of usage and the SIM card but it may be cheaper than buying/renting a phone).

Some students prefer not to have a phone with them; however, 我们建议学生自带手机或购买手机以备不时之需. Some providers will not allow a student to participate without having a phone that can work abroad.

除了你的手机, 有很多应用程序和其他沟通方式, 比如脸谱网, Skype, FaceTime, 推出, WhatsApp, TextMe, GroupMe, 等. 这样你就可以和你的朋友和家人保持联系.


在国外打包几周或几个月的行李会很有压力, 所以我们在下面列出了一些一般的包装技巧和指导方针.

一般来说,如果你在这里不穿,在那里也不会穿. Don't pack too much, and don't pack anything that needs to be dry-cleaned or ironed. 多穿几层总比穿肥大的运动衫和毛衣好. 如果你经常穿同一条裤子,没有人会在意或注意到. 包装深色的,不会显示污垢,不要装太多一件物品.

Lay out all of your clothes, then cut the pile in half; that is what you should bring. Remember that you will personally have to carry everything you take with you; if you are not able to carry your luggage up and down the stairs a few times, 你带的东西太多了.

  • 护照复印件
  • 您随身携带的所有信用卡/借记卡详细立博网站中文版副本
  • 所有重要的UHart和项目提供商联系电话的复印件
  • If you expect a refund from the 立博体育官网 during the semester you are abroad, you must set it up with the Bursar's Office/CSS before you leave for the semester. 如果退款需要您亲自签名, 你在国外是不可能做到的, 所以提前处理好它,以确保你得到退款.
  • 完成并签署你的FAFSA表格,以确保你得到你的经济援助包
  • 4月前完成并签署所有所得税文件


  • 护照复印件(与护照存放处分开)
  • 一些洗漱用品.e. 牙刷、洗发水、牙膏等小用品. (注意航空公司3-1-1规则)
  • 万一你的包丢了,换洗的衣服
  • 你的日常用药. Leave your medication in its original bottle; some medications may require a note from your doctor explaining the prescription to avoid confiscation at customs.
  • Make sure you have written copies/notes about where you need to go once you land in the airport (if you do have an international plan and expect to pull up the information on your phone, remember it can take up to several hours for your phone to connect to the local network).
  • Pack an extra duffel in your suitcase for all of the souvenirs you will acquire.
  • Bring a small backpack for day trips and weekend getaways - you don't want to be dragging a huge suitcase around
  • 把昂贵的珠宝和其他物品留在家里.
  • The electricity is different in every country; you may need an adapter and converter in order for your plug-ins to work.  Do not bring a hair-dryer or straightener; you can buy an inexpensive one when you arrive (previous students have blown fuses in entire apartment blocks because they thought it would work - it can be a great way to make new friends when you shut off the power for a large group of people)
  • 如果你选择带笔记本电脑, it is your responsibility to make sure that you have the appropriate adaptors and property insurance for it. 如果你计划在课程结束后旅行, keep in mind you will have to bring your laptop with you or pay to have it stored.
  • 行李重量限制因航空公司而异. 一定要查看航空公司网站上的国际限制. You may be required to pay extra fees or remove some items if you go over the weight limit.
  • 携带足够的药物,以维持整个逗留期间, plus a little extra; if you are unable to do so, pre-arrange for someone to ship you medication during your stay (remember to look at the customs restrictions for your host country) and/or work out a plan with your doctor to get additional medication throughout your time abroad.  
  • 隐形眼镜:多带一副
  • Birth Control/Condoms: make sure that if you are going to be sexually active, you use contraception. Talk to your gynecologist about bringing a semester's worth of birth control with you.
  • 大多数东西都可以买续杯, 但如果你只使用某一特定品牌的东西,  bring enough to last the entire time (but be ready to pay extra fees for overweight luggage)
  • 小包纸巾和洗手液——旅行时非常有用!
  • 杂志
  • 额外的护照照片(通常需要做身份证和折扣卡)
  • 一本立博体育官网你要去的国家的好书或旅行书(《立博网站中文版》), 让我们去, Rick Steves, 等.)
  • 相机有额外的电池和存储卡
  • a TSA approved lock for your luggage and backpack (good for traveling in hostels)
  • 零钱钱包(许多国家使用的硬币比典型的美国硬币更值钱).S. 改变)
  • 雨伞和/或雨衣
  • 太阳镜
  • 有几件事能让你想起家乡
